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Categories: Security  Proxy  Walkthroughs 
featured image Hack the Box Soccer Walkthrough

Hack the Box Soccer Walkthrough

Categories: Walkthroughs Tags: HTB
Recon I started by adding soccer.htb to my /etc/hosts file, by appending the line: soccer.htb. This means that http://soccer.htb will work in our browser, as it will know where to look. I kicked off basic reconnaissance within Pākiki Proxy while I took a look at the website - which … ...Read Article

featured image Hack the Box Precious Walkthrough

Hack the Box Precious Walkthrough

Categories: Walkthroughs Tags: HTB
Recon As always, I started with recon against the target. I initially started a portscan with nmap -A -p 0- -sS precious.ctb (which will scan all ports with a syn scan). Port 80 (HTTP) came back quickly, and so I started to look at that while the rest of the scan was underway. Nothing else came … ...Read Article