A supply chain security maturity assessment is designed to provide you with a profound understanding of your current maturity and effectiveness to securely manage your IT suppliers and supply chain.
How we can help
Pākiki can provide an assessment that will consist of:
- Identifying and understanding your current security risks related to your IT suppliers and supply chain.
- Review of your current policies and process to manage and secure your IT supply chain.
- Tailored advice on improving security in your IT supply chain.
- Develop and maintain an IT supply chain security roadmap.
The particular methodology will vary depending on your needs, however broadly speaking the methodology is:
- Information Gathering: Understanding your current IT supply chain security posture.
- Review Gaps: Understand where there are current gaps in your policies and processes.
- Provide advice: Take the output of the above checks, and use our understanding of your business to provide practical, tailored advice on how to improve management and security of your IT supply chain.
The assessment will be based on a Protective Security Requirements (PSR) control checklist combined with the CIS Service Provider Management Control and respective safeguards (IG3).
Get in touch
We’d love to hear more about your organisation, and to discuss how we can help.